2024 North Shore Tennis Survey

The North Shore Tennis Society is conducting a survey to get input regarding our public tennis courts and facilities here on the North Shore

Our goal is to gather data that we can present to our local governments to ensure they prioritize the needs and concerns of our tennis community

The Tennis Society advocates on behalf of the tennis community to:

  • Support the growth of tennis for players of all ages and levels
  • Preserve the number, quality, and accessibility of public tennis courts
  • Improve court maintenance to ensure accessibility, safety, and playability
  • Increase court lighting to enable after-dark playable time
  • Expand indoor tennis courts to enable all-weather, year-round tennis


The survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete, and your input will go a long way toward protecting and improving our existing courts and creating new opportunities for public tennis here on the North Shore

Please share this survey with all of your tennis friends!

We Invite You to Join Us!

We Promote
Tennis on the North Shore

The non-profit North Shore Tennis Society (formerly North Vancouver Tennis Society) is an umbrella group that represents the rapidly growing tennis community on the North Shore.

We seek to work with local governments, clubs and players in North Vancouver and West Vancouver to support the growth of tennis for players at all levels, and to preserve and expand accessibility to public tennis courts. Ultimately we strive to promote the enjoyment of tennis and encourage life-long participation in the sport here on the North Shore.